Previously you could only execute 5 batches jobs from any
single context
But one of my ideas on IdeasExchange was included in a recent Salesforce Release now you execute up to 100 batches which become queued in the AsyncApexJob object
What I'd like to cover in this blog, a generic recursive runtime decision making batch class.
We will make a class that requires little change and can
serve and batch processing for any batch.
There are situations whereby once a batch has fully executed
you want to initiate another batch:
1. The
first batch executes as many operations as it can and then initiates a decision
process that either executes the same batch process again or ends the
where this scenario can be used:
a. A
callout to a 3rd party system and you dont know how many records exist in the
3rd party system
2. After
the first batch executes, records are set into a state that now allows a
different batch to execute. Of course the second batch could be scheduled for a
certain time but there is no way of knowing when the 1st batch will complete
and so you have to space batches apart. If it is important to complete the
operations in a timely fashion you will want to execute the 2nd batch
immediately when the 1st batch completes
where this scenario can be used:
a. The
1st batch updates a field on the Account which fires a trigger and workflows.
This sets conditions on say the Contact object by updating various fields. The
2nd batch now picks up records on the Contact where this field has been
updated. So we need the 1st batch to complete for the 2nd to process.
Lets consider a situation where a batch makes a call to a
3rd party system requesting for a number of records, but due to payload limitations
the 3rd party can only return a certain number of records and the 3rd party
doesn't provide a means of identifying how many records there are in the 3rd
party because such a call drains system resources on the 3rd party.
So we need to setup a batch class that makes a call to the
3rd party and retrieves X number of records. When the batch falls into the
Finish() we call a decision method which identifies how many records were
processed which tells us if we have processed the last batch or not.
public with sharing class Constants {
static final string CONST_DOWNLOAD = 'DOWNLOAD 3rd PARTY';
global class batchProcess implements
Database.Batchable<sObject>, Database.Stateful,
integer mx; //number
of records to process
String batchType; //identifies
which batch processing to call
String soql; //the
soql query if the batch is to make a query to feed records into the Execute()
Map<String,String> vars; //this
holds any arguments that are to be passed to the batch function in the
Boolean success; //determines
if the last batch execution was successful, if it wasnt we might decide to
stop any further batch processing since there is a possibly a fault has been
batchDownloadCurrentGlobals(String thisbatchType){
= thisbatchType;
batchProcessing (String thisbatchType, Map<String,String> thisvars,
String thissoql){
= thisbatchType;
= thisvars;
= thissoql;
Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
(soql == null || soql == '')
Database.getQueryLocator('Select id From User limit 1'); else
void execute(
(batchType == Constants.CONST_DOWNLOAD){//identifies the batch type we are
calling, for a different batch you simply introduce another if statement
(vars.containskey('Max') && vars.get('Max') != '0'){
apxCls = (List<ApexClass>)glbs;
maxCls = vars.get('Max');
= integer.valueof(maxCls)-1;
method that retrieves "mx" number of records from the 3rd party, if
the callout can be made and is successful this returns true to
"success". You could introduce a for loop here to make the callout
a maximum of 10 times to reduce on the number of batch operations
= Utils.retrieveData(mx);
void finish(
(batchType == Constants.CONST_DOWNLOAD ){
(success)//identifies the last callout was successul
something when last batch didnt process and encountered an issue
This is the decision method:
static void decideToRunAgain
(integer mx){
custom setting is set in retrieveData()
for the number of records retrieved from the 3rd party in the last
callout made in the batch Execute() if this number is less than
"mx" the last callout was the last callout required
latestCall = Configurations__c.getinstance(Constants.CONST_MAX);
newlatestCallInt = (latestCall != null) ?
integer.valueof(latestCall.Value__c) : 0;
(newlatestCallInt == mx){
last callout retrieved the same number of records as was requested so this
cannot be the last callout to make so a new batch can be created
also need to check that the number of queued batches is less than 100
otherwise the maximum in the queue has been reached
we cannot halt execution for a time or even continually check AsyncApexJob in
a for loop waiting for the queue to drop because that would hit governor
//Note:JobType ='Batch
Apex' identifies a batch being processed, the JobType ='Batch Apex
Worker' identifies the latest record being processed in the batch and so is
constantly changing
([Select id From AsyncApexJob where JobType ='Batch Apex' and Status =
'Holding'].size() < 100){
batch = new batchProcessing (Constants.CONST_DOWNLOAD, <<specify the
other parameters>>);
Database.executeBatch( batch, 1 );
The are various different themes you can employ on this
concept, such as all the logic could be pulled completely outside of the batch
into separate classes, keeping the batch class lightweight and actually never needs
to change
Further information